
Empresa de tecnologia que foca em cidadania europeia celebra 5 anos de atividade e abre filial no Uruguai

A company called Cidadania4u, which specializes in European citizenship, is celebrating its five-year anniversary and announcing the internationalization of its brand through BeCivis, with the opening of an office in Montevideo, Uruguay. Founded in 2019, Cidadania4u has already served over 30,000 clients and generated approximately US$ 20 million in revenue last year.

“We have never lost a case in Brazil, and we believe that in Uruguay we will maintain the efficiency of our results so that legitimate descendants of Italians have easier access to over 190 countries, can live and work freely in European territory, study, and conduct business,” said Rafael and Rodrigo Gianesini, managing partners of Cidadania4u and BeCivis.

Just like in Brazil, BeCivis will utilize an exclusive platform to streamline and automate citizenship requests through artificial intelligence, speeding up the dual citizenship recognition process. The company expects the average time to complete the citizenship process to follow the same patterns as in Brazil, taking between one to two years.

On average, both in Brazil and Uruguay, descendants seeking Italian citizenship recognition through administrative means at the consulate can expect to wait for over ten years. To reduce this waiting time, just like Cidadania4u in Brazil, BeCivis in Uruguay will offer entirely remote assistance through the judicial path in Italy, providing an option for those who do not wish to leave their country.

“In this format, similar to the process in Brazil through Cidadania4u, BeCivis clients will be supported by a team of specialists and legal advisors who handle every detail, from genealogical research to appearing in Italian courts and registering and monitoring the AIRE (Registry of Italians Residing Abroad),” the startup stated.